Thursday, April 21, 2011

Are doubt and Worry Making you Fat? - Part 2

Are doubt and Worry Making you Fat? – Part 2

Doubt and worry are a misuse of the power of your imagination.

This might all seem to be a little weird at first and I am certainly not saying that I want you to all go out and start eating Twinkies and tell yourself that you are going to lose 100 lbs in 6 months.  This is not what I am saying.

What I am saying is that there is a reason why diet plans fail; and that your emotion around doubt and worry contribute to this failure.

Let’s take away all of the facts and figures about whether or not a diet is healthy and just concentrate on why it seems to work and then stops working.

Really contemplate the questions:  Why do diets not work for you?  Why have I experienced failure in the past around dieting?

Take a few minutes to really think of an answer …

Now, let’s think about your answers, you may have many…How many of your answers fall into the realm of doubt and worry, rather than confidence, and trust in the process.

Maybe you thought the following.

·       The reason why diets fail for me is because of my genetics

·       I have a slow metabolism

·       My entire family is heavy so I inherited it

·       I’m not 100% healthy already to begin with so my illness or lack of health makes it harder for me.

·       When I don’t see the results I want I stop the process of dieting

·       I give up to easy

·       I’m lazy

·       I don’t have the time or energy to do all that work

·       I hate healthy food

·       My medicine cause me to gain weight

All of these answer are excuses that fall into an energetic profile of doubt, worry and even fear.

There are hundreds of excuses we give as reasons to why a diet is not working.  There are hundreds of reasons why we should not be on diets!  Diets can and sometimes are blatantly unhealthy for you.  In your deepest thoughts in the center of who and what you are as a human being.  Do you really think that the restrictive nature of what we call diets is actually healthy for you?  Do the diets work? Can they work, Yes they can, but are they healthy? Thats debatable!

So what do we do about it?, and how does imagination, and belief help me to succeed in losing weight?

Find out more in part 3

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