Thursday, February 24, 2011

RE: Simple and Healthy Chicken Pizza

Thank You,

Emilia Brovornik
UIM - Customer Care
30 Independence Blvd,
Warren, NJ 07059
Tel: (908) 607 8672
Fax: (908) 607 8008

From: Tilton, Theo
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 12:50 PM
To: 'Blog ('
Cc: Brovornik, Emilia
Subject: Simple and Healthy Chicken Pizza

Eating healthy does NOT mean bland and boring food. They say the proof is in the pudding. Well, I don't have a recipe for pudding today, but how about one for pizza?!

Yours in health,

Theo Tilton

PS - This mouthwatering "Healthy Chicken Pizza" is just ONE of the 197 Healthy and Delicious Recipes my partners over at Prograde Nutrition have compiled.

Simple and Healthy Chicken Pizza

Eating healthy does NOT mean bland and boring food. They say the proof is in the pudding. Well, I don't have a recipe for pudding today, but how about one for pizza?!

Yours in health,

Theo Tilton

PS - This mouthwatering "Healthy Chicken Pizza" is just ONE of the 197 Healthy and Delicious Recipes my partners over at Prograde Nutrition have compiled.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Speed Up Your Slow Metabolism

What a faster metabolism can do for your body.

There's a lot of talk about metabolism, and it seems that all the skinny folks have a large amount of it. But what exactly is metabolism, why is it important to your body, and what can you do to increase your metabolism? You're about to find out!

What Is Metabolism?

Inside your body, a complex process is going on that involves hormones, enzymes, and food. Known as metabolism, this process is responsible for your body's ability to take food and turn it into energy. Additionally, your metabolism determines if you take that energy and burn it off with ease or if it sits around on your body and goes nowhere fast.

Though you probably wish your metabolism was sky high (everyone wants that sleek body - right?), there are a number of factors you can't change that determine the level of your metabolism. These include age, sex, and your genes. That's right - being over 40 decreases your metabolism, as does being a woman or having a family history of slow metabolism.

Why Is It Important?

Ever wondered why the first few pounds of weight loss come so easily for some people? It's because your body has to work a little harder when you're overweight. So when you make a small lifestyle change, your high metabolism does the rest, helping shed pounds with ease. Unfortunately, keeping a high metabolism isn't after you've lost the initial few pounds. But if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you'll need to have your metabolism working for you.

How Can I Boost It?

Read the full article by clicking here:

Healthy Regards,

Theo Tilton

“Your most valuable tool in becoming who you really are and who you want to be, can never be lost… It is always available to you, all of the time. Theo Tilton 2010






Tuesday, February 1, 2011

5 Exercise Goals for Beginners

A handful of things every newbie should put on his or her exercise to-do list.

Just getting started exercising? Congratulations! Your decision is one that will bring you face to face with improved health, looks, energy, and more. While there is a great temptation to swallow the entire gym whole in one bite, it's better to take stock and come up with goals that fit your needs.
Ready to create some gym-worthy goals that will help you reach your destination of a better, healthier life? Get started with the list below.

Goal 1: Find a Time

The first thing you have to do before you work out is figure out when you're going to head to the gym. Sure, you may go to the gym on a whim on occasion, but you can't depend on these spur-of-the-moment trips to help you meet your other fitness goals. Rather, you're going to have to come up with a regular time to get to the gym. Whether it's at 4 a.m., during your lunch hour, or right after work, having a predetermined time to exercise will help you with the next goal.

Goal 2: Stick with It

Once you've figured out when you can work out, it's up to you to make sure you follow through. Though you may think the benefits of exercising are enough to keep you going strong, you may be wrong. To make it a little easier to stick with your routine, give yourself a goal of sticking with your routine three days a week for three months. Once you've been at it for that long, it should be cemented into your schedule, making it easier to stick with exercise for the long haul. If you constantly need another goal, reset your clock for another three months a week or two before completing the initial three months.

To read the entire article click here:

Thank you,

Theo Tilton

“Your most valuable tool in becoming who you really are and who you want to be, can never be lost… It is always available to you, all of the time.” Theo Tilton 2010




