Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You've Got a Right to Say, "No!"

Even though it's hard to say it to a friend, "No" doesn't mean the end of your friendship.
If one is the loneliest number, "No" is the loneliest word. However, if you're going to exist on planet Earth, you've got to learn how to use this tiny word - even when the person asking the question is your friend. Here's how to get a better handle on "No."

Read more.. Click here:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

FW: Alexander's Guesthouse "Discovery In Paradise Weekend Retreat" Jan 13-15, 2011

Attention ... I will be teaching a couple workshops and coaching morning meditations at this wellness retreat in beautiful Key West Florida...
Call today and reserve a spot! 

   "Discovery In Paradise"
A Weekend Retreat for You
January 13-15, 2011
Begin the New Year with a Fresh Start for Your Mind, Body and Spirit!
Be Sure To Register Early...only 25 spaces!
Alexander's Guesthouse


This retreat weekend package price $385 will include:
  • all juices and raw food meals provided (to cleanse the body)
  • morning meditation sessions (clear the mind)
  •  all development workshops (new ideas for the new year)
  • 2 vibrational crystal bowl group healing sessions (clear the body)
  • restorative/gentle group yoga session (healing/stretching movements)
  • Evening outdoor movie by the pool (inspiring movies to relax to)
The price does not include lodging.
     Visit us out on TRIPADVISOR...where ALEXANDER'S was rated "Excellent" by 180 travelers!! 

Friday, October 15, 2010

Banish Flabby Arms

Think it's impossible to turn your saggy underarms into sleek, toned arms? Time to change your thinking and tone up your triceps!

Do you dread wearing sleeveless evening gowns? Wish your swimsuit covered your arms down to your elbow? Fear waving to family and friends when they're leaving town? Then it's time for you to get rid of those flabby underarms! To make it happen, you've got to do five things.

To read more click here:

A Healthy Mind = Healthy Body,
Theo Tilton

Friday, October 1, 2010

Thin from 40 to 60

Beating the odds and maintaining a healthy figure throughout middle age.
Gaining weight during middle age is only natural, right? Wrong. If you dread the pounds of midlife, cheer up! With the right attitude and an appropriate diet and exercise regiment, you may be able to keep your youthful figure and good health for a healthy start to your silver and golden years.

Weighing Responsibility
Midlife weight gain is unfortunately very common. There are definite factors working against you as you age. Besides fluctuating hormone levels, your metabolism begins to slow down. This means it takes more work to burn the calories you consume. Another problem is that most adults lose between 30 and 50 percent a pounds of muscle each year. The smaller your muscles are, the fewer the calories you are able to burn. Weight gain during your midlife is also a danger to your health as it increases your risks for a range of serious medical conditions from diabetes to heart disease to Alzheimer's disease.

To read more go to my online magazine at :